Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Light Tent

Weather has been off and on. Rainy yesterday, beautiful today, but more on the way Thursday. So, I’m confining my picture taking to indoors.

Set about on a related project. Making a light tent. Found a good description on the internet (of course). It uses a cardboard box for the structural elements.

I spent time after lunch gathering up the components. The Hobby Lobby was a good source for Bristol Board. And the Home Depot had the light fixture I wanted, a clip on work lamp.

I was spared having to go to the fabric store. My wife is a quilter, and there is a LOT of fabric around the house. She has a good supply of white muslin. So, that won’t be hard to get.

I had taken a few photos of small objects last night. The light I was using gave the backgrounds a decided yellow tint. I want to see if I can solve it with a light tent, and a full spectrum light source. It still may not be enough to get good photos of coins, but it is an experiment. And reasonably inexpensive.

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