Saturday, March 08, 2008

Round Rock

Sunny weather today. So I went over to the park and shot some photos of the Round Rock. It was a landmark during the stagecoach and cattle drive days. And it is, literaly, a round flat (horizontal) rock sticking out of the stream. People knew they were getting close to Austin.

Shot off 50 pictures. Doesn’t take long when it’s three photos at a time with the bracket settings.

This time I was more interested in manual exposure correction. It requires pressing a button on the back, and the clicking of a dial in front. You can do it single handed, same hand you use for pressing the shutter.

Most of the better photos used a correction of +0.7 EV.

The parking lot has some bronze statues. One is a longhorn under a tree. A lot of shadows. Moving the exposure control up help to bring out more detail. You can see the dirt and leaves in front are a bit washed out, which I would expect from over exposure.

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