Thursday, January 17, 2008

Zooming Along

Loaded up the software that came with the camera. I already have Paint Shop Pro on my machine, but I wanted to see if their application had any interesting features. I’ve only started to explore the options.

The main reason was to try to transfer photos from the camera. I don’t know if the software is required but it doesn’t take up a lot of disk space.

The camera behaves a lot like a jump drive. My operating system, XP Professional, treated the camera like a removeable drive. You "stop" the USB device the same way you would a removeable drive.

After I got the directory structure set up to my likeing, I zoomed in on the photos. You can’t really tell on the preview LCD, even though it is large 2 x 1.5 inches, how well the focus came out. The auto focus works well. Most of the photos are sharp. Some were taken in ambient light and the shutter speed couldn’t compensate for my movement.

My subjects are stuffed animals and bookcase shelves. You can really tell the depth of field differences. I suspect my default settings have something to do with that. So, that may be my next line of inquiry.

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